Deep in the Throes of Application

I apologize for being so infrequent the last couple of months – I really do appreciate the few of you that keep checking in to see what’s going on in my quest for admission.  Also, given that I’m getting a ton of redirections from the MCAT study forum on SDN, I’d like to say hello to all those of you that have discovered me lately.  Best of luck on your exams!

My committee letter application is due in another week and a half and, while I’ve been working on these essays and the rest of the application for a while, I’m nowhere near close to the end.  This means that I need to leave perfectionism at the door and just focus on getting things done first and then reviewing them later.  I also checked out my first year college GPA…it wasn’t pretty.  My first semester right out of high school I got a 2.56 and the second semester I wound up with a 1.71.  Like a boss.  Luckily, one of my essays asks about my first year of college and what I learned, so I can totally throw myself under the bus and talk about how I’m completely different today (which is true).  Hopefully, medical schools are much more interested in my recent work than in the past.  Not sure how my total GPA is going to look at the end – I seem to remember getting a B- in senior quantum mechanics and I bombed linear algebra.

…and now I just got myself worked up into a fright about my grades and academic record, not to mention that I feel inadequate about every other aspect of my application.  Lovely.  I’ve already begun to hate application season.  And it hasn’t even started yet.

7 Responses

  1. You’ll be fine. You took tough courses and killed the MCAT. 🙂

  2. In your “how to succeed in ochem” blog post for Master Organic Chemistry, you reminded us to not give into the hype! Same applies here! You’re older and more experienced than the 22 year olds, and this fact alone already puts you into a different applicant pile. My MIL did admission for University of Washington for years, and I’ve extensively grilled her about this stuff (I’m 29, will be applying at 31). So relax, and just write a killer essay. : )

  3. Hi! When are you applying? This coming cycle in June? If yes, we are twinsies.

    By the way, I am also non-trad and was not premed in college (many moons ago). When I looked up my old science courses (I took Bio, Chem and Zoology (what the hell?? don’t even remember this class) for nonmajors), I did meh in them. Got a C in Bio I (also what the hell? I really must not have cared at the time).

    Congrats on killing the MCAT!

  4. LOL “like a boss”

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